Still, it seems to be thought of as odd that we might give support to a charity which champions the fight against three types of cancer that afflict specifically women, as opposed to supporting more generalised research. But cancer is cancer - and if breakthrough is secured against one type it becomes breakthrough against all types!
In one year alone in the UK more than 17,000 people died from those three cancer types. That equates to around 47 per day! So when I was introduced, via Facebook, to the work of two sisters, Jess & Mel Vearncombe, the concept of using the shutter button to raise awareness of their work was a natural step. And their work promises to bring results! It is a programme of personal commitment and stamina. Stamina which will be extensively tested in September 2014 when Jess and Mel take part in a 450 kilometre cycle ride in China. If my maths is correct that is around 280 miles on two wheels, pushed all the way by nothing but sheer tenacity, fuelled by their passion to beat the thing that threatens so many people within our society. And that passion originally fired by a personal loss of their own loved ones, which leads me to my next question. How many of us have not lost, or at least do not know someone who has been devastated by the loss of loved ones through cancer?
The first event took place on Saturday 14th December, at The Fox & Goose, East Brent, in the form of a Ladies Sale Day.When I arrived there were various tables being set up with products aimed towards healthy living, cosmetics, jewellery and so on. And the overall atmosphere was one of people with purpose, committed, working for a common cause.
The enterprise of these small businesses is impressive in itself - and the point is that these are, in the majority of cases, businesses upon which people to some extent depend. And we so often see cases of people who will offer perhaps 10, or 15, and sometimes even 20 percent of their profit at events for charitable causes. But these ladies pledged a massive 50 percent of their profit over cost to the charity!
And the pleasure with which they so generously gave of their time, efforts, and money was clear to see on their faces. For the men reading who wonder how they can effectively support a charity so devotedly and sensitively supported by the ladies, how about this suggestion; when your lady, friend, colleague, mother, sister, commits time, energy, or 50 per cent of business profits, why not volunteer to work for the day and commit 50 percent of the wage?
There was actually plenty to find pleasure in during the afternoon; refreshments on hand.........
Even the Hotel staff took a personal interest in the events of the day, involved in so many ways, making the event a smooth experience for contributors and visitors alike, and taking a well earned break from the many duties.
One of the most striking insights was the amount of creative and artistic ability which was present on the day. So much work went into nails, cakes, making jewellery......................
And when the nails were complete the only correct context in which to show them was at the equally artistically presented cake stall!
Incidentally, the cake table was seemingly one of the most popular - and certainly the most tempting!
Surrounded by so many enticing things, submerged for a while in such clear and pleasant social interaction, any unknowing visitor would be forgiven for missing the motive behind the event. But here are one or two more facts behind the motivation for Jess and Mel and their supporters:
- There are now more than 200 different known types of cancer
- In the 2010 year (the most recent year from which full data was collated) around 325,000 people were diagnosed with cancer in the UK - that's a staggering 890 per day
- Currently one in every four deaths in the UK is from cancer.
Do the maths on that last figure and we are left with a frighteningly personal statistic; if you are a member of a family consisting of two parents and two children there is a high possibility that one of you will lose your life to cancer.
And as for cancer types around 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in this country - yes, that is true. Apparently, the small amount of breast tissue we carry is just as susceptible.
It all puts me in mind of the well known story of David and Goliath many of us would have learned in Sunday School. David, as a sheep tender, visiting his brothers on the front line, asks questions about the giant of a man who daily taunts the armies of Israel. Nobody has the faith to fight him but David shows an interest. Rebuked by his brother, his motive questioned, his answer is "Is there not a cause?" 1 Samuel chapter 17, verse 29. So to those who ask "Why support this work?" my answer remains "Why not, is there not a cause?" We are presented with a giant which stops the progress of so many peoples lives. That giant does not stop just because people sit in their trenches believing it to be somebody else's problem.
This is designed to be a Photo Blog but on this occasion I do not apologise for so many words. Instead I promise many more pictures from these ladies future events. Pictures of Blues Brothers tribute bands, music nights, balls, and portraits of people enjoying themselves as they war against a common enemy. And if anyone wants to take up the challenge and commit 50 percent of their wage for the day of a future event feel free to let me know - we will gladly inform you of the diary. If you can encourage a colleague or two to join in Through the Lens will take a look at you in your work place!
With a full programme of events for the year ahead there will be updates here and at